Business Development CentresIndigenous Owned Businesses
- Orion building 100 Little Lake Road, Suite 101 Fort William First Nation ON P7J 0L2
- (807) 623-5397
- (800) 465-6821
- (807) 622-8271
- Send Email
- Visit Website
Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday, from 9am-5pm.
About Us
Our Vision
Aboriginal Prosperity
Our Mission
To advance the well being of Aboriginal People in Northern Ontario through business and economic development.
NADF is the first choice for Aboriginal business and community development in Northern Ontario.
Our programs and services are available to Aboriginal entrepreneurs, businesses, organizations, and First Nation communities within the boundaries of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Grand Council Treaty 3, and Robinson-Superior 1850 territories, on or off-reserve.
What we offer:
• Advice and support to help entrepreneurs to develop strategic, action-driven business plans.
• Financing to support new and existing businesses to start and grow their business.
• Workshops and training to help entrepreneurs and business owners gain the skills and knowledge to become successful business leaders.
• Tools and resources that assist First Nation communities to develop and implement their comprehensive community plans.
• Due diligence services to help assess the risks and challenges of complex transactions, such as partnerships and joint ventures.
Whether you need funding to start or grow your business, support to build community capacity, or professional business advice, make NADF your first choice.