Employment ServicesIndigenous Owned Businesses
Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Driving Directions:
Off Algoma Street South onto Waverley St. to 285 Red River Road
About Us
Anishinabek Employment and Training (AETS) has assisted First Nation members since 1997 to enter the labour force.
At AETS, our mission is to see and help contribute to a skilled Indigenous workforce. We aim to provide guided education and training pathways towards inclusive employment opportunities respectful of Indigenous culture.
We offer programs including funded client-based interventions, course purchases, employment start-up, pre-employment supports, mobility assistance/relocation expenses, wage subsidy, self-employment benefit, EI fee-payer, and employment maintenance/upskilling.
Other programs offered are project-based and include wage subsidy, job development, group course purchase, project-based training, summer student, self-employment benefit, job creation partnership, delivery assistance, job development, workplace-based training, and disability supports.
Soft services for job seekers include career planning, career decision making, continuing education assistance, grade 12 diploma, client resource centre (computers, telephone room, job boards), resume and cover letter assistance, elder-in-residence support, and referrals.
We also offer employer services that include online job posting to AETS website, recruiting assistance/targeted referrals, interview co-ordination, wage subsidies, and training programs.
We are committed to serving our nine-member communities surrounding Thunder Bay, but are open and welcoming to those who aren't on a case by case basis as well. AETS is pleased to be a part of your journey!
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