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About Us
EPID@Work stands for Enhancing the Prevention of Injury and Disability at Work. We are a research institute at Lakehead University located in Thunder Bay, ON. We conduct community-driven research in the areas of work-related injury and disability prevention with a particular focus on issues relevant to Northwestern Ontario. Our institute has three main focus areas:
* Mental health in the workplace
* Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
* Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation
Our aim is to bring together community and academic professionals to conduct research that is meaningful to all involved. Therefore, we seek to build partnerships with community stakeholders to ensure our research is relevant and timely. Contact us today to learn how you can get involved.

Rep/Contact Info
Katie Friday
Communications Specialist
- Phone: 807-343-8010 Ext. 7185
- 955 Oliver Rd Thunder Bay ON P7B 5E1

Dr. Vicki L. Kristman Ph.D.
Director & Senior Scientist
- Phone: 807-343-8010 Ext. 7165
- 955 Oliver Rd Thunder Bay ON P7B 5E1